For those who wanna share our happiness

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our house in original shape

Master Bedroom

Bedroom 1 & 2

Living Hall


Service Balcony

The lady and her man visited their house for the first time after handover and realised there's much more to be done then initial plan. What comes surprise are those additional cost to be incurred for changing of aircon pipes, windows & doors which can amount to quite a sum. Still determined to work within their budget, the lady is trying to see what should stay and which to go. Nevertheless, the kitchen and 2 bathrooms will definitely have a complete make-over. Only the granite flooring is staying, the rest basically will become history.
Stay tune for their make-over results.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tiles for home

The lady and her man went to Hafary@Balestier to chose their home tiles today. Gosh, the extensive showroom is simply mind blowing as there are so much designs and textures to chose from. Having to visualize those sample tiles on the actual flooring & wall is tough and required good color matching. With a preference for resort style bathroom and a brighter looking kitchen to compromise their dark granite living hall, they finally decided on the tiles after a good long hr discussion and shopping with their ID.

Ta da!! The lady can't wait to see the 3D dwgs for their home, schedule to be ready next weekend =)